Summer Vacation For Schools To Be Decided After Sunday: Div Com

Summer Vacation For Schools To Be Decided After Sunday: Div Com

Srinagar: Vijay Kumar Bidhuri, the Divisional Commissioner of Kashmir, declared on Friday that the final determination regarding summer vacation in schools and colleges would be announced after Sunday.

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Bidhuri, in a statement to the press, emphasized that the government was carefully monitoring the weather conditions and would soon arrive at a conclusion regarding the summer vacation period.

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The divisional commissioner stated, “If we determine that the weather is unfavorable after Sunday, we will hold discussions and subsequently make a decision regarding summer vacation in schools across the Kashmir division.”

Summer Vacation For Schools
When asked about the progress of work in Lal Chowk, Bidhuri responded, “Although we initially set a deadline of June 30, you will now witness a transformed Lal Chowk by July 15.” (KNO)

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